Local Teens Brighten Patients’ Days

Local Teens Brighten Patients’ Days

Local Teens Brighten Patients’ Days

with Handmade Pillows at Nathan Littauer Hospital

Gloversville, NY – In a heartwarming display of community spirit, 14-year-olds Timothy VanKleeck-Eagan Jr. (HFM PTECH) and his cousin, Richard Eagan III (Mayfield Jr./Sr. High School), have made a generous contribution to Nathan Littauer Hospital. On Friday, Aug. 2, Timothy and Richard donated 30 heart-shaped pillows to the hospital’s patients.

From left: Timothy VanKleeck-Eagan Jr., his cousin, Richard Eagan III, Nathan Littauer President and CEO Sean Fadale, Birthing Center Manager Maureen Mosher, and Birthing Center Nurse Wendy Bowie.

Inspired by the memory of their late grandfather, Richard Eagan Sr., Timothy and Richard dedicated themselves to creating these comforting pillows. “I wanted to do something good and help make a real difference in the lives of those who may be in pain or need support,” said Timothy. Timothy and Richard invested over 20 hours to complete the pillows.

After certain surgeries, many patients experience discomfort. To support their recovery, Nathan Littauer provides heart-shaped pillows that patients can hug. These pillows offer relief by cushioning the surgical area when patients cough, laugh, or move. Additionally, they serve as a symbol of love and care during the healing process.

Sean Fadale, FACHE, president and CEO of Nathan Littauer Hospital, expressed his appreciation: “I had the pleasure on Friday to meet both Timothy and Richard, who generously donated 30 handmade heart pillows for our patients. I am continually impressed by the support of our community, and these two young men really impressed me with the generosity of their talent and time. What a gift! I know these pillows will provide comfort for our patients, and for that I am incredibly grateful to Timothy and Richard.”

The heart pillows are intended to provide both physical and emotional comfort to patients, especially those who underwent challenging surgeries. Maureen Mosher, manager of Nathan Littauer’s Birthing Center, remarked: “Bless their hearts for doing so much for our community, our hospital, and our patients. Our patients say they love these pillows so much, and they help ease their pain. These young boys are giving to help others in such a simple yet compassionate way – it’s absolutely amazing. We’re incredibly thankful for their time and donation.”

Additionally, the Nathan Littauer Hospital Auxiliary and Volunteers have organized a community effort to create additional heart pillows similar to those made by Timothy and Richard, to distribute to patients. Materials such as cotton, fleece, hypoallergenic stuffing, thread, and fabric scissors are needed. Donations can be dropped off at Nathan Littauer Hospital’s switchboard, labeled “Attention to: Kelly Colby.”


About Nathan Littauer

Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home is a full-service, 74-bed acute care hospital with an 84-bed skilled nursing home. Since 1894, Nathan Littauer has provided safe, high-quality health and wellness services with a focus on securing appropriate new technologies for people residing in Upstate New York. Over the years, the hospital has expanded its services in order to offer health care that is comprehensive, accessible, and relevant to the needs of the communities they serve.  More information can be found by visiting www.nlh.org. 

Nurturing Young Minds: Johnstown Teachers’ Association Donates to Littauer Birthing Center

Fostering Early Literacy Skills

GLOVERSVILLE, NY Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home’s Birthing Center received a donation from the Johnstown Teachers’ Association (JTA), Tuesday, May 9. JTA members Stephanie Di Visconti and Alaina Stokna, coordinated the donation with Nathan Littauer Birthing Center Manager Maureen Mosher. “We want our students to be amazing readers, and it starts at the infant stages,” said Di Visconti. “We were completing our annual drive, and we always think to support our community’s hospital.”

Recognizing the vital role that early literacy plays in a child’s cognitive and educational growth, the Johnstown Teachers’ Association embarked on a mission to provide valuable resources to Nathan Littauer Hospital’s Birthing Center. Through this donation, they will help to cultivate a nurturing environment that fosters early literacy skills and helps establish a strong foundation for future learning in those born at Littauer.

From left: Nathan Littauer Birthing Center Manager Maureen Mosher; JTA member Stephanie Di Visconti; Littauer Birthing Center Nurses Lindsay Barter, Gina Lachmayer, and Robbien Quill; and JTA member Alaina Stokna.


The collection of literature generously donated by the JTA encompasses a wide range of age-appropriate books, including picture books, interactive storybooks, and educational materials. These engaging and imaginative works of literature are carefully selected to captivate the minds of young readers and ignite a love for reading from an early age.

The JTA typically donates to Nathan Littauer’s Birthing Center annually. The JTA raised more than $200 of works of literature for parents to read to their infants, as well as helpful tips to encourage reading to them. The JTA’s donation will work to help promote the development of the necessary skill of reading in children. “We want our children to love books, and we look at this is an investment in the future of our community,” adds Di Visconti.

“We thank the JTA for their efforts in empowering parents to promote early literacy experience for their little ones,” says Mosher. “We’re so appreciative of the JTA’s yearly donation of ‘Books for Babies.’ Our mothers are also incredibly thankful to receive them. This is a perfect example of our community giving back and the investment in our future generations.”


About Nathan Littauer

Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home is a full-service, 74-bed acute care hospital with an 84-bed skilled nursing home. Since 1894, Nathan Littauer has provided safe, high-quality health and wellness services with a focus on securing appropriate new technologies for people residing in Upstate New York. Over the years, the hospital has expanded its services in order to offer health care that is comprehensive, accessible, and relevant to the needs of the communities they serve.  More information can be found by visiting www.nlh.org.

Littauer’s Baby of the Year!

GLOVERSVILLE, NY A couple battling a snow squall on their way to The Birthing Center at Nathan Littauer Hospital may not have realized they would be bringing home a little celebrity. Barbara Ralph and Daniel Williams, who traveled all the way from Speculator, ended up having the local New Year’s Day Baby!

Barbara checked into Littauer’s Birthing Center at 3:34 p.m. on December 31st.

Mother; Barbara Ralph, and Father; Daniel Williams, were very excited to bring baby Daniel into this world. “I was so excited for Daniel,” mom says.

Mother and Father of Baby Daniel pictured with Nathan Littauer’s Auxiliary.

21 hours and seven minutes after check-in, Baby Daniel Scott Williams, was born January 1st at 1:31 p.m. He weighed 8 lbs. and 2 oz. with a length of 21”, making him the very first baby delivered at Nathan Littauer Hospital for the year 2020.

Holding Daniel, dad says, “He is a very peaceful and happy baby.”

As tradition, Nathan Littauer’s Auxiliary made a donation to the family of the Baby of the Year. Littauer’s Auxiliary donated over 200 dollars in special gifts for little Daniel and his parents.

Inside the gift basket, are: clothes for baby Daniel, blankets, pacifiers, and little plush toys. President of Nathan Littauer’s Auxiliary, Norma Cozzolino, Director of Nathan Littauer’s Volunteer Services, Sue McNeil, Auxiliary Volunteer, Fran Mosconi, all presented the basket to little Daniel and his family.

“This is so nice,” says mom. “We’re very happy to have had our baby with Littauer.”

Mom and Dad are very excited. They look forward to bringing Daniel home.


About Nathan Littauer

Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home is a full-service, 74 bed acute care hospital with an 84 bed skilled nursing home. Since 1894, Nathan Littauer has provided safe, high-quality health and wellness services with a focus on securing appropriate new technologies for people residing in Upstate New York. Over the years, the hospital has expanded its services in order to offer health care that is comprehensive, accessible, and relevant to the needs of the communities they serve.  More information can be found by visiting www.nlh.org.


Meeting with Flare

October 10, 2019, Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home invited The Albany Medical Center (AMC) to state and review perinatal quality improvement processes and initiatives. Every year, the auditorium is decorated very lavishly in preparation of AMC’s arrival, as tradition. Deborah “Debbie” Fredriksen, one of Littauer’s Maternity RN’s, had gone above and beyond to make AMC’s site visit more special. She was working the night prior and spent many hours decorating the auditorium the night before the meeting. Employees and Staff of Littauer were in complete awe at how beautifully decorated the auditorium was.

“Debbie always does a fantastic job when she decorates,” said Nancy Quinlin, IBCLC, Lactation Consultant. “It is absolutely amazing what she has done. It really adds a touch of home when Albany comes to visit.”

“It is generally a very formal meeting,” says Deborah Fredriksen, RN, and Maternity Nurse. “I try to make everyone feel comfortable and right at home.”

                       Maternity’s Debbie Fredriksen with Maureen Mosher.


NLH on a Roll!

Babies to Benefit

GLOVERSVILLE, NY – Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home was recently recognized for the considerable vaccine rate for Hepatitis B vaccines of newborns. The Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) included Littauer on their honor roll for a reported coverage rate of over 90 percent from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019.

“We educate new parents on the importance of vaccinating their children,” says Krista Sheils, MPH, RN-C, and Assistant Manager of Maternal Child Health. “We all work very hard and we’re glad to provide the best care possible for our babies.”

From left: Maternal Child Health Manager, Maureen Mosher, and Assistant Child Health Managers, Krista Sheils, and Amy Smith with honor roll certificate.

July 16, 2013, the IAC launched the Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll program. The program helps recognize birthing centers and hospitals that have achieved high coverage rates for administering Hepatitis B vaccines to newborns.

The Honor Roll is a key part of IAC’s major initiative urging the nation’s hospitals to Give Birth to the End of Hep B. The initiative urges qualifying healthcare organizations to apply for the Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll online.

To be included in the Hepatitis B Birth Dose Honor Roll, a birthing institution must have: (1) reported a coverage rate of 90 percent or greater, over a 12-month period, for administering hepatitis B vaccine before hospital discharge to all newborns, including those whose parents refuse vaccination, and (2) implemented specific written policies, procedures, and protocols to protect all newborns from hepatitis B virus infection prior to hospital discharge.

Honorees are also awarded an 8.5″ x 11″ color certificate suitable for framing and their acceptance is announced to IAC Express’s approximately 51,000 readers. For any questions regarding vaccinations of newborns, please contact Krista M. Sheils at: (518) 775-4061 or via email: ksheils@nlh.org

“This award not only represents how much we care for our babies, but vaccinations put our babies’ best feet forward – even if they’re being carried,” says Cheryl McGrattan, Vice President of Marketing and Communications.




About Nathan Littauer

Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home is a full-service, 74 bed acute care hospital with an 84 bed skilled nursing home. Since 1894, Nathan Littauer has provided safe, high-quality health and wellness services with a focus on securing appropriate new technologies for people residing in Upstate New York. Over the years, the hospital has expanded its services in order to offer health care that is comprehensive, accessible, and relevant to the needs of the communities they serve.  More information can be found by visiting www.nlh.org.